
Reh@Panel (formerly RehabNet CP)

Reh@Panel (formerly RehabNet CP) acts as a device router, bridging a large number of tracking devices and other hardware with the RehabNet Training Games for the patient to interact with. Reh@Panel implements the communication protocols in a client/server architecture. Native device support for:

Electrophysiological Data

  • Emotiv EPOC neuro-headset is intergrated for acquiring raw EEG data gyroscope data, facial expressions and Emotiv’s Expressiv™, Cognitiv™ and Affectiv™ suite
    • Neurosky EEG headset is supported for raw EEG acquisition and eSense™ meters of attention and meditation
    • Myoelectric orthosis mPower 1000 (Myomo Inc, Boston, USA) is supported, providing 2 EMG channels and adjustable levels of assistance


    • Microsoft Kinect v1 is natively supported either by the Microsoft or OpenNI drivers
    • Microsoft Kinect v2 through Kinect v2 SDK
    • Nintendo Wii
    • Leap Motion

     Head tracking

    • Oculus Rift
    • Vuzix iWear

     Eye tracking

    • Tobii T120
    • Tobii EyeX
    • Eye-Tribe

    Extended device support is achieved via a custom UDP protocol used for bridging with:

    • Android app (see RehaMote) running on smartphones for sending sensor data
    • Analysis and Tracking System (AnTS)
    • VRPN and OSC protocols are supported for the connection with any device (e.g. Vicon’s tracking, 5DT data gloves) or software supporting it (e.g. OpenViBE BCI software)

    Reh@Panel performs data filtering, smoothing, translation and emulation on these data. In addition, logging of synchronized data in XML or CSV format is configurable from all the acquisition devices as well as game events for offline analysis. Finally, the CP allows to preview the translated avatar movements from the sensors, allowing to re-adjust parameters in real-time.

    Developed by: Athanasios Vourvopoulos

    If you are using this tool in your work, please cite RehabNetCP by using the following reference :

    Vourvopoulos, A., Faria, A. L., Cameirao, M. S., & Bermudez i Badia, S. (2013). RehabNet: A distributed architecture for motor and cognitive neuro-rehabilitation. 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on E-Health Networking, Applications Services (Healthcom), 454–459. CITE DOWNLOAD

Reh@Panel Download Links & Requirements

Vourvopoulos, A., Faria, A. L., Cameirao, M. S., & Bermudez i Badia, S. (2013). RehabNet: A distributed architecture for motor and cognitive neuro-rehabilitation. 2013 IEEE 15th International Conference on E-Health Networking, Applications Services (Healthcom), 454–459. CITE DOWNLOAD

Download links

Devices SDK’s:

Latest Stable Version: RehabNetCp 2018.03-01 (March 2018) (Fixed a bug with Kinect 1 using old protocol. Fixed a bug that was increasing installation size)

Previous Versions:

RehabNetCp 2018.03-01 (March 2018) (Typos fixes. Currectly checks if there are newer versions in the Options menu.)

RehabNetCp 2018.02 (February 2018) (Performance boost for Kinect 2; Kinect 2 now sends bones in the correct proportions (real size bones))

RehabNetCp 2018.01 (January 2018) (Added new protocol, removed old devices)

RehabNetCP 2016.04 (April 2016) (Kinect 2 body orientation fix)

RehabNetCP 2016.01 (January 2016) (bug fixes, new VRPN client, openBCI polishing)

Older versions

Reh@Panel User Manual

The Reh@Panel is a router of devices, bridging the communication between several sensors and games developed by the Neurorehablab. This application has native support for several devices, but it allows any device to communicate with it using the Reh@Protocol. This software can filter, smooth and translate the received data. It also capable of utilizing those data to emulate other devices (the mouse, for instance). Additionally, it can log all the received and sent data.
