Open Rehabilitation Initiative: Usability and Knowledge Translation (Rutgers – Collaborative International Research Grants) (INTERREG program MAC/1.1.b/098)

The ORI is an international independent initiative that connects and supports clinicians, scientists, engineers, game developers and end-users to interact with and share virtual rehabilitation tools.

As such, we aim to attract both developers and virtual rehabilitation users, for research as well as for clinical practice.

The scope of the simulations encompasses sensorimotor and cognitive rehabilitation.

The ORI portal is planned as a hub where the community who build and use software tools for virtual rehabilitation can easily communicate, interact with and share these tools.

The ORI portal currently offers software, drivers, and documentation of evidence and application, with support for discussion boards, and blogs. Although ORI originates from academic institutions, it is designed to grow through community driven content, incorporating inputs from all the relevant communities.

Visit the website:

Open Rehab Initiative has been partially funded by MACBIOIDI: Promoting the cohesion of Macaronesian regions through a common ICT platform for biomedical R & D & i” (INTERREG program MAC/1.1.b/098) and by Rutgers International Collaborative Research Grant – “Open Rehabilitation Initiative: Usability and Knowledge Translation”.