The KAVE is a Unity plugin that:

  • Adds parallax effect to Unity projects through Kinect v2 head tracking
  • Supports up to 8 screens/projectors in any physical configuration (normal desktop screen, CAVE, etc…)
  • Features full skeleton tracking for interaction with virtual objects

The plugin requires a calibration file with the position, orientation and size of the screens, projectors, projection surfaces and Kinect sensor. For this you can use our calibration software.

Developed by: Afonso Gonçalves

Here is where the user manual goes. Graphic Interface explanation. How to do specific things inside your application, etc
The plugin needs a calibration file, to generate this file you can use the calibration software, a calibration guide is included in the archive.
  • Controls Mid-click: Pan camera ALT + Mid-Click: Orbit camera Spacebar: Select objects W: Translate objects E: Rotate objects R: Scale objects X: Change transform space (Global or Local)When an object is selected, the gizmos with selected tool is shown.
  • Adding objects Unlimited surfaces, unlimited projectors and only one sensor is able to be in the scene simultaneosly. Deleting objects is not allowed, but you can restart the scene with the Reset button in the left of the main view.
  • Save and Load file The configuration file is located in “../KaveCalibrator_Data/calibration.xml” if you want to load an existing file, you should move the file to the specified path with the name “calibration.xml”. If you have started a new scene, the saved file will be in the same location.
Follow these steps in the following order: Calibrating surfaces:
  1. Press “Surface” to add one
  2. Select it
  3. Adjust its Position, Rotation and Scale to match your projection screen position orientation and size precisely (in meters). You can use the edit boxes or the toolbar to manipulate it
  4. Go back to step 1 until you have all your room projection surfaces represented
Calibrating projectors:
  1. Press “Projector” to add one
  2. Select it
  3. Adjust its Position and Rotation to roughly match your projector
  4. Press “ON/OFF Camera”
  5. If the projection is not being displayed on the desired display press “CLOSE VIEW” and change the target display of the projector on its slider to the desired display, you can use the “ON/OFF Camera” to check
  6. Once the projector is active on the correct display, press the corresponding number on the keyboard (1 to 8), and use the black circle as mouse cursor to drag the green circles to the corners of your projection surfaces in the real world. The red polygon should completely cover your projection surface. Interaction needs to be done with the black circle as mouse cursor as Unity mouse position is limited for multidisplay
  7. Press “Close View”
  8. Select the surface that is the target of that projector and also change its display to the same target number as the projector
  9. Go back to step 1 until you have all your projectors have been calibrated
Calibrating Kinect:
  1. Press “Sensor”
  2. Change the its Display to the same as the projector that is projecting on the floor
  3. Have someone stand over the projection floor
  4. Adjust the Position x and y, and orientation y of the sensor until the feet represented on the projection are directly below the person’s feet
SAVE and put the file “calibration.xml” in the “StreamingAssets” folder of your project.  
